Cincinnati Opera

Cincinnati Opera: The second oldest opera company in the U.S., Cincinnati Opera is a prestigious institution with a solid background of artistic excellence and community involvement. 

Marketing Intern/Digital Project Manager: Cincinnati Opera hired me to facilitate Opera Idol™, to identify growth opportunities within their digital strategy, and manage digital projects to advance strategic digital objectives.  Here are the actionable steps I took to leverage digital media at Cincinnati Opera:
  • Researched organization’s existing digital presence on all media platforms and identified opportunities for growth, specifically Email and Social Media
  • Drafted an “Email Marketing Benchmark Report”
  • Created tactical recommendations within Email Marketing to increase ROI, customer engagement, and overall effectiveness
  • Leveraged creative problem-solving, relationship-building, and social networking skills to produce 4 Youtube Webisodes under budget by more than 75% of projected costs
  • Recommended utilizing Google Analytics  to measure impact of social media campaigns
Result: Cincinnati Opera received more than 1,200 views on this webisode series, and continues to grow through the use of targeted digital media marketing. Armed with benchmark reports containing researched industry standards, internal data, and recommended strategic and tactical objectives, Cincinnati Opera can better engage their consumers and meet the ever-changing expectations of the digital marketing world.

Fun Fact: I had never worked with cameras, crews, and light kits before, but I took the challenge head on and enjoyed every minute. There is a lot of  marketing potential with Youtube and social media, and my work on this project gave me plenty of real take-ways for crafting effective digital marketing strategies.

Fairfield Artists LLC

Fairfield Artists LLC: A start-up ceremonial music agency looking to break into the booming bridal business in the Greater Cincinnati Area.

Marketing Associate: As the Marketing Associate, it was my job to launch the Fairfield Artists LLC.’s initial branding awareness campaign.  Here are the actionable steps I took to get the campaign and the company off the ground:
  • Researched and interviewed local brides and vendors to identify consumer purchasing trends and values
  • Drafted a creative brief identifying Fairfield Artists LLC’s core values
  • Prepared a flexible marketing strategy to unify company’s strategic objectives and allow for changes in marketing conditions
  • Collaborated with a Graphic Designer  for the artistic direction of brand identity
  • Wrote all creative copy for ad campaigns across multi-media platforms
  • Set realistic numerical goals to measure impact from tactical initiatives
  • Planned media buys with Cincinnati Wedding Magazine’s online and print editions, Google, Facebook, and other sites  to impact our target audience
  • Followed up campaign launch by attending bridal expos and showcases, networking with vendors and potential clients, building referral base
Result: Fairfield Artists LLC received their first clients as a result of the campaign, has a growing referral base, and has a unified strategic approach for pursuing business in the future.

Fun Fact: Launching a product with  a start-up, planning the media buy, and directly translating the creative strategy into an ad campaign across multiple media channels, all of these tasks might seem daunting as the lone marketer of a newly founded agency-- but not for me.  I absolutely loved tackling all of these challenges, and did so with enthusiasm, conviction, and determination. This ad was one of my favorites of the campaign.  It so clearly captures that emotional moment just as the bride is about to come down the aisle. Sigh. 

Sol y Canto

Sol y Canto: Eclectic Pan-Latin music ensemble, based in Cambridge, MA, known for its rich mix of jazz, mesmerizing melodies, and staunch advocacy for social justice and environmental sustainability.

Head Intern: Sol y Canto decided to incentivize their fundraising initiative by adding merchandise giveaways. As the head intern, I  wanted to create a product that would not only bolster brand awareness, but also tap into the enthusiasm for farmer's markets and all things local, sustainable, and eco-friendly – so the eco-tote was a natural fit. Here’s what I did to make it happen:
  • Learned how to use an open-source version of Photoshop to manipulate and create design for the eco-tote bag
  • Interviewed multiple vendors to identify the best fit and set a realistic budget
  • Manage project from end to end to keep project on time and under budget
  • Encourage band members, staff, and fans to take the Sol y Canto tote-bag with them to the grocery store, farmer’s markets, and advocate!
Result: Sol y Canto simultaneously attracted new audiences while retaining and strengthening their relationship with diehard fans and donors – a definite win.

Fun Fact: While I have yet to meet a program I cannot figure out, this was my first attempt using an open-source application similar to Photoshop. Not bad for a newbie!

@katschram | [email protected] | 513.919.6680

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